Sunday, April 25, 2010

Entry 110

Went out with a bunch of my fellow UNT Computer Science graduate friends to catch up on the past four months. It seems I'm the only one struggling. I say this, because some of them have jobs they absolutely hate and told me explicitly never to apply for, a couple of them are in grad school or about to go back because the job market sucks, and one of them...well, actually he has a great job and is getting married soon. Congrats, Trey!

Anyway, we went to the new El Fenix in Denton, and talked it over. They were very reassuring that they think I'd be a damn good web designer, and that any firm would be idiotic not to hire me. Then again, they're biased because I helped some of them pass our web design class by knowing how to wireframe and draw up professional documents.

On a side note, the fajitas were pretty good.

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